Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of lotus seeds?

Lotus seeds, also known as fox nuts or makhana, are derived from the Euryale Ferox
Flower. These seeds offer a delicious and guilt-free snacking experience, providing
essential nutrients such as protein, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.
Packed with antioxidants, lotus seeds contribute to overall well-being and support
digestive health. With a low-calorie content and a satisfying crunch, they make for a
delightful guilt-free snack. Valued in Ayurvedic medicine for their cooling properties, lotus
seeds are gluten-free and plant-based, fitting into various dietary preferences. Explore
their versatility in snacks, adding both flavor and nutrition to your diet.

Are there any preservatives or artificial additives in your products?

No, Nirvana Foods is committed to using clean and natural ingredients in our lotus puffs.
Our products contain no preservatives, artificial additives, or synthetic flavors. We take
pride in offering a wholesome snacking option that is free from unnecessary additives,
ensuring that you can enjoy our lotus puffs with confidence, knowing you're making a
healthier choice

How many servings are in one bag?

Each bag of Nirvana Foods' lotus puffs is designed as a single-serving snack. This
convenient packaging makes it easy for you to enjoy our delicious and nutritious lotus
puffs without the need for portioning. It's the perfect on-the-go option for a satisfying and
wholesome snacking experience

More questions?

For any additional inquiries or questions, feel free to reach out to us at
inquiries@mynirvanafoods.com. We're here to provide you with more information and
ensure you have the best experience with our products.